Upcoming Events

We like to celebrate – mainly because a celebration is a good excuse to try out new foods! We hold themed events where we give our diners the opportunity to sample all sorts of delicious flavour combinations, as well as to bring some extra fun to the dining hall! Some of our promotions involve prize giveaways and competitions – so keep an eye on this page to see what’s in store over the coming months!

Our themed days so far have include all sorts – from movie themed menus, to a full blown music feAstival! -where we introduced lots of tasty street food concepts.

What’s there to look forward to?

We’re busy planning our events calendar for 2015/16 at the moment, so watch this space! Please keep revisiting this page for more details.

What else areMark S Stir Fry we doing?

We’ve teamed up with celebrity chef, Mark Sargeant, to provide school cook off events to some of the schools we serve. These have been great fun so far and we hope to continue to tour the country with Mark – watching him challenge teachers to cook offs, teaching students how to cook quick, cheap, healthy food and offering them ideas on how to give typically simple dishes a bit of va-va-voom!

Are we missing a trick?

Have you got a good idea for a theme day that you’d like to be held at your school? Let us know about it and we’ll see what we can do! We’re always happy to hear your suggestions! Contact us here!